Chinhoyi University of Technology (CUT)
DUE: 21 JULY 2023
Chinhoyi University of Technology Council is inviting suitably qualified and experienced applicants for the following Executive position that has arisen in the University: –
The Librarian is part of the Senior Management Team in the University and reports to the Vice Chancellor. Being one of the University Principal Officers, the Librarian is mandated with providing leadership, strategic direction and oversees the development and implementation of the University’s overall strategic goal in the area of library services and resources in support of the University’s mandate in teaching and learning, research, community engagement, innovation and industrialisation.
Person Specification
- A minimum qualification of a Master of Science Degree in Library and Information Sciences or equivalent and possession of a relevant PhD being a distinct advantage;
- Proof of membership of library professional organization or association;
- A minimum of 5 years’ experience at Senior management level in Library and Information Services in higher education/ research environment;
- Evidence of research and publication in the relevant field is an added advantage;
- Proven IT skills in library systems, internet operations, web page development, and other ITs.;
- Knowledge of trends in library science, and the ability to evaluate and adapt emerging library technologies;
- Strategic thinking skills and leadership in order to drive a 21st century Library and Information Services (LIS) portfolio;
- Craft competence in line with best practices; and
- Ability to mobilise resources for the Library.
Key Accountabilities:
- Overseeing the development, implementation and evaluation of the library’s strategic plans, programmes, and services in support of the university mission and goals;
- Initiating and overseeing the development, interpretation, communication and implementation of library policies and procedures;
- Ensuring that the Library has adequate and relevant reading materials including both hard and virtual resources and examining book reviews, publishers’ catalogues and other selection tools;
- Ensuring the selection, acquisition and installation of appropriate library system hardware and software and initiating the development and maintenance of the library website;
- Dissemination of information on new products and services through intranet and the library website;
- Prudent utilisation of financial and physical resources;
- Mobilising financial resources for the Library by adopting strategies or initiatives for generating and attracting revenue from internal and external sources;
- Supervising staff and ensuring that performance appraisals are conducted for all Library staff;
- Ensuring preparation of quarterly and annual performance reports;
- Establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with academic staff, students and external bodies; and
- Performing any other duties as assigned by the Vice Chancellor.
Conditions of Service
This position is offered on a four (4) year performance based contract that is renewable and it offers an attractive remuneration package. Specific information on salary and other benefits shall be made available only to shortlisted candidates.
Six copies of the application letter, certified copies of certificates and CVs giving full personal details including full names, place and dates of birth, qualifications, experience, present salary, date of availability and names, addresses and contact numbers of at least three referees should be addressed
to: –
Chairperson of Council
C/O Chinhoyi University of Technology
Private Bag 7724
Apply online to registrar@cut.ac.zw using a SINGLE MERGED PDF DOCUMENT.
The closing date for receipt of applications is 21 July 2023
Applications that do not comply with the requirements will be disqualified.
To apply for this job email your details to registrar@cut.ac.zw